Monday, September 22, 2008

Wood Flooring - Rooms to Avoid

Wood flooring is a wonderful investment into your home if you plan on staying in your residence for a considerable number of years. Wood flooring can be very durable and add tremendous charm and beauty to your family room, office or hallway. There are some rooms that you may want to avoid when thinking about installing wood flooring and that is what this article will focus on.

Many times people love the feel of wood flooring and the durability of it and thus still install it in their kitchen and regret it later. One of the most common things that happen in any kitchen is dropping cans or large bowls. If you drop a can and it hits just right it can cause a considerable amount of damage in the flooring surface.

Although your kitchen floor may become damaged it can be repaired relatively simply, however, if you do want to install wood floors in a kitchen. You really should invest in some good mats to cover up areas where you know, there's more prone for damage.

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